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3 days ago
Ep. 478 - GMMB Tuesday 24 Dec 2024
3 days ago
3 days ago
We tracked Santa Claus via NORAD's website for that.
We praised the first responders who had a lot on their hands yesterday, when 150 feet of the far end of the Santa Cruz wharf broke away in big waves and floated onto Seabright Beach.
Rocky Snyder made a rare Tuesday appearance to talk about those big waves.
Rachael Shelton told us of cats, a quick trip to Mexico, Gerry's orchids, uptalkers and who knows what else.
Santa joined us in the studio. He could not stay too long--it's a busy day for him--but long enough to play the ukulele, sing a few songs and tell a few stories.
We wished you a Merry Christmas and let you know we'll be off for three days.